RNLI supports global lifesaving leaders from across the world

Drowning prevention experts from across the globe came to Poole last week to take part in the RNLI’s Leaders in Lifesaving course.

The week-long course, which began on 25 September, is a mix of practical and classroom-based study to share lifesaving drowning prevention knowledge. 15 candidates from eight countries attended the course, run at the charity’s college in Poole.

The RNLI developed the intensive course in response to requests for assistance from lifesaving organisations across the world. Since 2012, over 100 delegates from more than 40 organisations around the world have participated.

Dave Whiddon, Senior International Programme Manager at the RNLI, said: “We believe that our vision for global drowning prevention cannot be achieved without strong, effective local and national organisations capable of tackling the problem in their own communities and countries.  

“To be successful and sustainable, organisations don’t just need to deliver lifesaving services, but to have good leadership and management. This is at the heart of the RNLI’s Leaders in Lifesaving course.”

Selpha Onsongo, a search and rescue officer from the Kenyan Maritime Authority, who attended this year, said: “I have been so inspired by the passion everyone on the course has displayed. It’s been great to learn from one another and I have taken away a lot of leadership skills. My take home is the ability to service my community more effectively through the skills and confidence I have gained here.  

“There is a real difference in culture – I did not realise that the RNLI crews are volunteers, that is very different to my country. It’s been inspiring to hear of brave crews happily carrying out their roles and duties in the community as volunteers.”

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