Falmouth Harbour appoints new Commissioner

A proud Cornishman with world-extensive knowledge of the commercial shipping industry has been appointed as Falmouth Harbour’s new Commissioner.
Gerald Pitts is joining the Board of Falmouth Harbour Commissioners via a brief retirement from his roles as managing director of Dock-owners A&P Falmouth and latterly the A&P Group’s Defence MD.
Gerald’s impeccable credentials are backed by a successful 46-year career with A&P which took him to shipyards and ports across the globe including USA, Mediterranean, Middle East and Far East and all around the UK.
He said: “In my role as a Falmouth Harbour Commissioner I feel I will be able to combine my extensive knowledge and experience of the Commercial Shipping world with a lifelong connection with Cornwall in general and Falmouth in particular – providing valuable input and support to the harbour stakeholders and the wider marine community.”
Image: Shark Bay films
The rare opening as Commissioner comes as FHC prepares to bid farewell to Gary Tranter after nine years’ service on the Board which manages the Trust Port, with statutory responsibility for the navigation and conservation of approximately 16 square miles of harbour area. Falmouth Harbour recently celebrated its 150th year of managing the third deepest natural harbour in the world – strategically placed on the UK’s Western approaches.
Gerald will likewise bring his global experience of the commercial shipping industry to influence strategy within the FHC remit which covers Falmouth Harbour, Falmouth Haven and Falmouth Pilot Services.
FHC Chair Carrie Gilmore said: “Managing a Trust Port is a demanding privilege which requires dedication and commitment – and which allows us to make a very real difference.
“As a small but dynamic Board we operate transparently and accountably – and knowing that we will miss Gary’s wisdom and insight, we also feel truly fortunate to have a candidate of Gerald’s calibre to join us – with exactly the broad mix of skills and extensive senior level experience in the commercial maritime industries that we hoped to find.”
In a UK which looks increasingly towards vocational training, Gerald began his own career with an engineering apprenticeship with Silley & Cox at Falmouth Docks, having been born and raised in nearby Mawnan Smith and growing up on and around the Helford River.
He spent a period working in Southampton and then Wheal Jane Tin Mine before returning to the Docks, where he progressed through various senior positions to Managing Director of A&P Falmouth, before retiring as the A&P Group’s Defence MD in 2021.
He said: “After a long and fascinating career I look forward to joining Falmouth Harbour Commissioners working alongside an incredibly professional team led by Harbour CEO Miles Carden – at the very heart of one of the most strategically important and beautiful ports in the world.”
FHC’s Board and Committee have strategic oversight of a wide range of activities which are vital to the safe management and economic prosperity of Falmouth Harbour.  The Board membership rotates regularly, ensuring a continual benefit from new ideas and attitudes.
Gerald will be shadowing Gary Tranter until his retirement in December when he becomes a full Commissioner – appointed for a three-year term which may be followed by a second term subject to Board approval.

For all information about Falmouth Harbour’s work and environmental initiatives, its Commissioners, Falmouth Haven and Pilot Services visit www.falmouthharbour.co.uk  

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