Translated 9 wins the first leg of the Ocean Globe Race 2023

Translated 9 crossed the finish line of the first leg of the Ocean Globe Race in Cape Town, securing the first position overall ranking with a two day advantage over the second boat.

The OGR commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the Whitbread Round the World Race, the most human and adventurous regatta ever, with limited use of technology and a crew made of 80% non-professionals. Translated proved that when you team up with people with great values and attitudes, you can achieve anything.

“It’s much more challenging than the races I have done,” said the seven-time world champion Paul Cayard – who won this race in 1997-98 and is now also a Translated 9 ambassador – reaching Cape Town to celebrate the crew.

Setting sail from Southampton on September 10, Translated 9 crossed the finish line in Cape Town covering a non-stop distance of 7,305 nautical miles over 40 days.

The Ocean Globe Race 2023 celebrates and pays homage to the 50th anniversary of the first Whitbread Round the World Race, strictly prohibiting the use of GPS, weather data, autopilot, electric winches, and satellite communication systems (except safety measures).

“We love challenges that look bigger than what people think is possible. We are super happy to have won this first stage – Marco Trombetti said – and if there’s anyone to whom we want to dedicate this victory, it’s to all the people who are bullied, all the people who are told they can’t do things, that they don’t have the ability to do them because it’s these people who ultimately get things done. Believe in yourself, believe in humans.”

The crew of braves, co-skippered by Marco Trombetti, CEO of Translated and Vittorio Malingri, the renowned Italian ocean sailor whose father and uncle made the first Whitbread Round the World Race, includes Nico Malingri (Vittorio’s son who act as Chief Mate on Translated 9), Simon Curwen (navigator), Teresa Marshall, VP of Localization at Salesforce, Niccolò Banfi, Baptiste Gillot De Villers, Sophie Fontanesi, Ezgim Mistikoglu and Derin Deniz Binaroglu, the first two Turkish under 24 to sail around the world.

“We are thrilled to have claimed the top spot in the Ocean Globe Race – Vittorio Malingri explained – albeit in corrected time, which is the official ranking. This achievement is thanks to our exceptional crew and the meticulous preparation of our boat. Despite facing challenges like minimal wind throughout this leg, including windless stretches in the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay, and Portuguese waters, we still managed to outperform our competitors. Our goal was to gain an advantage in corrected time since, in reality, we are the fifth slower boat in the fleet. We aimed to secure a head start for the upcoming leg, which will be less technical and more about boat speed. Now, we face the task of changing our mast, but our boat is in good shape, with only minor issues to address. This race has been an incredible journey, filled with challenges and moments of camaraderie, as we share weather information and support with other boats and work together. We are a family on the boat and also a great family in the fleet”.

Translated 9 will stay in Cape Town for two weeks before setting sail for the second leg on November 5th, heading to Auckland through the challenging Indian Ocean.

Discover more about the Translated 9 project at

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