Adding a touch of Luxury to a Marine Bathroom Interior

Gone are the days of ‘basic’ marine heads. Modern yacht bathrooms are now as luxurious as those found in quality homes and the equipment installed is stylish, efficient and easy to use.

An example of this is the new Sanimarin SN43 Luxe Macerator Toilet from Warwickshire based Marine Sanitation specialists LeeSan. Currently this model is on special offer at £758.13

Looking as good as a regular toilet, this classic, straight back electric (12V or 24V) unit which discharges through a conventional 1½” hose, is quiet and effective. This model, which is particularly quiet in operation, is exceptionally easy to install with fresh water for flushing supplied by connection into the boat’s water pressure system and will discharge to a higher head than most toilets. It features a dual flush function which uses 1.2 Litres per flush in economy mode and 2.2 Litres normal.

To add to the convenience and efficiency of any toilet installation an effective tank measuring system is a must. Modern systems such as the Gobius Pro 12v / 24v measures tanks of all kinds of materials and fluids from the outside. This system has Bluetooth communication incorporated into the sensor and a clever built-in calibration function to save time and minimize cost.

The externally mounted sensor exerts force onto the outside of a metal or plastic fluid tank wall (no holes required) and causes it to vibrate when activated. An internal accelerometer measures the vibrations and the processor’s algorithm calculates a vibration value each time the sensor performs a measurement. The sensor can work singly or as part of a group to report multiple levels.

The Bluetooth communication works with Android and iOS phones. In addition, the sensor has two outputs for integration. For example in Bus-systems, control relays, lights or buzzers. This is useful for all kinds of fluids such as fresh water, fuel, oil, grey/black water and waste water.

A single unit costs £186.00

Specialising in all types of Marine Sanitation, the LeeSan team are happy to talk to boat owners and answer all of their queries.

01295 770000

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